Archive | May 13, 2011

God Bless The Little Children…

Lately I find myself feeling, not older really, but nostalgic. My girls are growing by such leaps and bounds into beautiful women. Along with them, so are their friends and the children of my friends. Then there are the babies I used to teach in pre-school when they were 3 who now ride in the back of my car with my youngest talking gossip and boys on the way to ice skating. Little guys I used to effortlessly toss over my shoulder, flip them upside down, carry them around by their waistband, who are now looking at me eye to eye.
Take this guy…we will just call him E. I first met him when he was started kindergarten in the same class as my oldest daughter. Back then there was a little crushing going on, at least on her part! Now, it is 8 years later and I was given the honor of shooting his Bar Mitzvah, celebrating his journey into manhood. These are the times that make me feel aged.

Look at our boy becoming a MAN!

How is it that I can recall so clearly when E was little and he could hardly sit still, wasn’t yet comfortable being away from home and was oft in trouble in one way or another? This little guy with soft blonde curls, super polite and friendly to his friends parents, always eager for conversation…HE is entering manhood?

I think he was just so happy to be done reading the Hebrew passages!

Then there is my friend “The Squid”. Of course I haven’t known him since kindergarten, but I have gotten to see him go from child to man….or at least, so he thinks!

It was just 8 short months ago he was preparing for his Senior, how things move so fast!

I first me him at an event at church where his Mom brought in his 12th birthday cake to share with everyone. He was so outgoing, would enter any conversation and was at ease with everything we were doing or anyone who was around. He had a little round face, thick pile of reddish brown hair that just did whatever, and he was always so happy!

Our manly boy and his beautiful date!

I had so much fun with him shooting his senior photo’s last year around September or so. It was great to see that he could still play and have fun. He rode his skateboard, did pops and jumps, flippy things (I have no idea, but it was cool to shoot!), and even climbed the iron structure of bridge! It was a really good day with Squid. Now, only days after his last day of school and days before his formal graduation, I am asked by his mother to shoot his before-prom photo’s. Really?! MY baby boy going to PROM?! ugh…I need to lie down…

I love this shot...he reminds me of one of those real B. A. anime guys the way he is standing!

And of course, this makes me nostalgic for my own children and their rapidly advancing years. So while collecting my photo’s and idea’s for this entry, I started going through old CD’s to see where we have been compared to where we are. My babies were beautiful with soft flowey hair, round little faces, perfect skin, one with freckles. They were easy to dress, easy to cook for, easy to shop for, I could suggest any outing at all and it was perfect! School was simple and I could do the math! Friends were simple as there was no drama yet aside from people who liked Lizzy McGuire and who didn’t.  My youngest was a total girly girl and had a Barbie collection that, if alive, could have made up a baseball team. And…they needed me.

I remember this road trip 5 years ago like it just happened. When I look at them, I still see them like this...

And now we are in middle school, just 1 short year away from high school for the oldest. They still need me, of course…you know, for money…a ride…permission to do things with their friends…after which they will need money and a ride! Just kidding! (well, sort of!) I have been incredibly blessed to have them as my own, and while I do miss those earlier years where they were a little smaller and more squishable, I just sit in awe of them. They are 2 incredible people and I couldn’t be prouder of them! They are still excellent students, which is good because I really can NOT do the math! They are musicians, artists, friends, helpers, good members of their community, outgoing, and full of love. I am proud to say that they are definitely my favorite people in the entire world!

I know for sure that time passes faster than I am even aware.

And while I am not needed as often for as many things, I know they still need me. I still love watching them and their friends grow, changing into complex people before my eyes. I do wish time could just stop, even if only for a little while, so they can slow down and stay kids a little while longer. Play just one more time, watch cartoons, color outside the lines, use a pot and spoon as a drum set, follow a worm just to see where it goes…
But in the end I know that no matter what, we have them so they can be raised to be adults. I just take solace in the fact that I was given passage on their journey as well and got to witness their lives and thank the Universe for having had permission. I am so proud of them all! I love them, bless them, and know that I will still be here when they call.